Bugs Love

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Classic and Unconventional Baby

Finally the new Mommy can enter a blog here. For the past few days, Chubby (sorry, Landus, Mom still likes to call you Chubby from time to time, I promise that I will change to call you Landus completely one day) has been a good baby who can sleep peacefully at night. I managed to get up only once or twice per night to feed him, which gave me about 6 hours sleep total, not too bad. He has been very active in the afternoon though. After each feeding, there is no way to put him back to sleep. We have tried different ways, like turning on the mobile, playing baby lullaby songs. None of them works! The conventional baby lullaby can neither calm him down nor get his attention. But we found he did love all those rock n' roll music that we love, such as Simon and Garfunkel, John Lennon, and Rilo Kiley. I am wondering if it's because I only listened to rock n' roll and folk music for the past nine months. Such an unconventional baby!

Breastfeeding has been successful so far. We haven't used any formula for the past week. And Landus has gained quite a lot of weight between the 1-week and 2-week checkup: 7 lb 10.6 oz to 8 lb 10 oz. He also got quite a lot of baby acne on his face now. We asked Dr. Wright, his pediatrician, during his two-week checkup. She assured us that we didn't need to worry. She said that was pretty classic, just like a medical textbook described.

That's for now. I will come back when Landus gives me more peaceful time.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Sandwich said...

I am glad all is going well! I'm so happy that Chubby-er Landus-is thriving. He's having the best meals in the world, so that should not be a surprise. One of these days, however, we should move him up to some good Berkeley bread...you and James take care, and keep delighting all your friends with your blog updates...


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