Only 10 more days before my due date, there is still no any
pre-labor symptom. When will you come out, my dear Chubby, Mom has been impatient now.
I have been off work for more than 2 weeks. Just start to get used to the life full of sleeping, laying in bed, doing nothing. Is it so boring? James said I was workaholic the first week when I started to take off. I felt so lost and still regularly checked my work email. Everyday, I was eagerly waiting for James to come home to accompany me. James asked me why I couldn't develop some of my own interest, such as sewing. Yes, sewing, I have promised James to start some sewing project, but till today, the sewing machine was still in the original package. Now I have a better excuse. I caught a bad cold. I have to stay in bed to try to recover before the big day.
James and I have been "practicing" some baby care-taking techniques, such as swaddling and carrying. Here is one silly picture James was using one of my baby shower's gifts to "practice" carrying Chubby one day. Sorry, Chubby, since you haven't come out yet, we have to use our "

Talking about the baby shower, I had a big surprise from my coworkers. The last day of my work, my boss scheduled a meeting at 11:30am to discuss internal/external QC/
QA process for our data analysis. Within a few minutes, while I was still drawing some examples in the blackboard, my boss got a phone call from the regulatory department and informed us that FDA was on the phone to ask us some questions about one study I was in charge of. We rushed downstairs and my boss would like to take a detour to a big conference room. As soon as I stepped in, I saw quite a lot of people sitting around and was wondering why we needed so many people to talk to FDA. Then everyone said "Surprise". We got quite a lot of gifts and wishes for our Chubby. I had a hard time to load everything into my small car. Here are some pictures from my baby shower (I was too fat, so no picture of mine would be shared before the child birth). I hope James could be there. But my coworkers are nice enough to save some cakes for him.

That's for now. I will post more on James's birthday and his banana chase run.