It's a peaceful night
Landus is sleeping in our new bed soundly. Well, occasionally he squirms around to exercise his legs/arms muscles. James is studying at the dining table quietly. I am waiting in our Son's room, waiting for his wake-up so that I can give him the last breast feeding before both he and I can go to our respective bed.
Landus has been a super good boy to us. Last night he fell to sleep around 10:45pm and didn't wake up until 4:45am. Almost 6 hours. Can you believe it from a one-month old baby. Well, he is much demanding during the daytime. He needs cluster feeding and attention/holding all the time. We just went to his one month check up on Thursday and everything went well. He has been growing quite fast:
Length: 24 inches (95 percentile)
Weight: 10 lb 9.4 oz (75 percentile)
This is the biggest reward for my occasional painful breastfeeding. I developed mastitis last week and the pain was not less than child birth. But now it's getting better and the breast feeding is much easier. Now I am doing exclusive breast feeding. I am wondering whether I should start to store some breast milk, to be ready for my return to work in a couple of months.
I enjoy taking care of Landus most time, but sometimes I do feel I am stuck here, at home. From time to time, I use baby carrier to take him down hill to visit James in the library, or do some grocery in a small farmer's market near campus. But it will be great if I can take him to the mall, to the city library, or somewhere else that requires more than 1 hour. But I worry he will need to be fed and I don't know how to handle breastfeeding in the public.
From last Saturday, we formally started our life of three after my parents' departure. It's not too bad. I managed my lunch to be simple and easy to cook. James always takes the last shuttle back home to cook or watch Landus so that I can cook. Every night, after Landus has the last feeding, James needs to comfort him before putting him back to the crib. Then we can spend some time in our room, talking while holding each other, which reminds me of our wonderful twosome life. Afterwards, James goes back to study and I try to get some sleep before being waken up by the monitor. Just like one of Landus's favorite song "Beautiful Boy" said, "every day in every way, it's getting better and better".